Events hosted by or in Cooperation with the trans Counseling göttingen

trans* Women in Göttingen

Every first friday of the month, 18h, Queer Center / online

Informations for parents of trans* youth or children - in German

Next date: to be annouced

Support group for family and friends of trans* people - usually in German

Every third wednesday of the month, 18.30 - 20.00h, Online

Queer Youth Group Göttingen - German/ English

Every monday, 17-19h, Stadtjugendring

Schwimming for trans*inter* & friends

Next event: paused, Schwimmhalle Hochschulsport

meeT* Göttingen

for trans and nonbinary people aged 14-27

Next event: to be announced


Network of Trans Health

Networking for trans health providers

Peer-to-Peer Trans*Beratung im AStA

Self-organised peer-to-peer trans counseling for students


Trans self-support group Göttingen

Are you interested in starting a new support group? Please contact us, we are happy to help you!


Nonbinary support and exchange group

Are you interested in starting a new support group? Please contact us, we are happy to help you!


Most events take place at the Queeres Zentrum Göttingen. The center is located at Hospitalstraße 20.


The center is barrier-free (barrier-free toilet, elevator at the back of the building), smoke-free and there are alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available at low prices.